
English debate

miguel lopez-madrazo   Miguel lopez-madrazo, 54 TOP

Regístrate o inicia sesión para apuntarte

Plazas libres

📅 fecha 01 ene 2023

🕐 comienza 18:00 - finaliza 20:00

🪇 Hombres y mujeres de 34 a 54 años

Organizador Nivel 3   📈 440


🗺  ¿Dónde se hace?

Café Laurel, Calle de San Diego 3, Zaragoza

🌃  Punto de encuentro

Laurel cafe close to El Caracol shopping center.

🔤  Información

English debate is a group of people who meet to talk in English about an interesting topic. It is open to anybody.... with Intermediate/High English level minimum B1/4th year Official Language School.

I advertise this free event using different avenues and is only one of them so the number of participants you see at this website is not real. Usually we meet around 5-10 people.

Confirm your attendance by sending a whatsapp message to Miguel 630022556 with your first name, family name initials and the words -ZGZ debate-.

This coming Sunday the topic of the week is...


As we start 2023 some people may think about new year resolutions. A classical one is “I am going to exercise more”. Being physically active helps to improve your physical and mental health.

What physical benefits brings exercise to your life?

What mental benefits brings exercise to you life?

How often should we exercise?

What sports doctors say are better and worst to practice?

Is it better to exercise indoors or outdoors?

What can I do to incorporate exercise in my life?

✅  Apuntados

Regístrate o inicia sesión para apuntarte

📄  Comentarios

miguel lopez-madrazo I lead the group every Sunday but mostly at Canarias, where I live permanently...only when I visit Zaragoza, where I was born and raised, I lead the English Club debate meetings...send me a message via whatsApp to 630022556 with your name, family names initials and the words -Debate ZGZ- so I can include you in the English Club whatsApp will be fully informed about what´s going whatsApp you will know the real number of people attending the debate, not in 2019-12-27 17:14:02